Homemade Lasagna
Squash Smiles
Twin Bread Slices
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza
JAY PEAK-5th Grade
Tuesday, December 16th is a Jay Peak ski trip day for 5th grade. This is a reminder for all 5th graders to please make sure to pack all of your outdoor clothing, food, drinks, and snacks. Refer to the Jay Peak Information Packet that was sent home. The buses will be leaving promptly at 8:25 Tuesday morning and returning about 3:45pm.
5th grade parents: If you will be picking up your child’s equipment at the end of the day please do so after 3:45pm.
7th grade Fitness Class with guest instructor Beth Hayford.
7th grade Fitness class with teachers Ms. Westbrook and Mrs. Lanfear
After School Activities 12/16/14
Open Doors:
There are no Open Doors activities this afternoon
Student-Athletes received an updated schedule on Friday.
Please review the following changes for this week.
Changes for week of 12/15/2014
*7/8 Boys will travel to Milton instead of 7 Boys
*7 Boys will travel to Colchester instead of 7/8 Boys
There is no game at Alburgh on Thursday, the 18th. It has been rescheduled for January 13th.
For today: (12/16/2014)
7/8 Boys 4:00 and 8 Boys 5:00 travel to Milton Middle School
Bus leaves at 3:20 Students are dismissed at 3:10
7 Girls 4:00 and 8 Girls 5:00 Host Milton
7 Boys Practice
5-8 Cheerleading practice in cafeteria