Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Taco Bar w/The Works Seasoned Taco Meat, Mozz. Cheese, Lettuce, Salsa & Soft Flour Tortilla
Southwestern Rice Pilaf
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza

TECHNICOOL Presentation for our 4th-8th graders
Dan Ozimek from TECHNICOOL gave technology presentations to our 4th-8th grade students today. (Pictured above is our 7th grade group) We are in the process of setting up a parent information evening on Internet safety and will let you know as soon as it is scheduled.

This program is sponsored by VT Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and is connected with the organization Prevent Child Abuse.
• TECHNICOOL is a technology safety program designed by PCAV for Vermont youth in grades 4-12, their parents, guardians, caregivers, and educators

• TECHNICOOL encourages digital citizenship and promotes healthy online relationships

• Through interactive presentations, TECHNICOOL provides its participants with the resources and tools needed to create a positive social media presence

Open Doors (12/4/14):
The fun, excitement and preparation for SATEC’s Winter Extravaganza will continue!
All participants who are scheduled today will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal.
Pick up will be at 5:00 in the back lobby.  

A note of these changes were also sent home with your son/daughter.
Thursday’s Practices 12/4/2014
3:30-5:00 8 Boys
5:00-6:30 5/6 Boys Green  (Stage Side)
5:15-6:45   5/6 Boys White    (Hallway Side)  * This has been a change from the original schedule
6:30-8:00  7/8 Boys
Changes for Friday’s Practice 12/5/2014
5/6 Boys Green Practice   Cancelled
  * This has been a change from the original schedule
5:00-6:30 Cafeteria

3:30-4:30 C-LAB