Thursday, February 18, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap
Steamed Carrots
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

After School Activities for Friday, February 19, 2016
3:30-5:00 Drama
Students will meet in the Kiva

SATEC’s K-8 Spirit Week: Monday, February 15th-19th
Class Color Friday
8th, 4th, and Kindergarten wear green
7th and 3rd grade wear yellow
6th and 2nd grade wear red
5th and 1st grade wear blue

Girls on the Run and Heart and Soul programs

Registration for Girls on the Run (grades 3-5) and Heart and Soul (grades 6-8) will open tomorrow. This year parents of participants will be registering online.
Registration will close Wednesday, March 16th. The fee for this 10 week program is originally $80.00 but has been brought down to $60.00 thanks to funds donated by our Open Doors Program.

Information for registration is below. Please contact Rose Bedard with any questions or concerns.

Participant Registration for Girls - Look for the fuchsia bar to the far right titled 'Program Registration'.  When clicked it will bring parents /guardians to the appropriate registration page where they will select the correct link for their region.
Scholarship Application - Select 'Our Program' and then 'Program Costs' in the drop down menu. At the bottom of the page in fuchsia the parent/guardian will choose the appropriate regional link to apply for the scholarship.

School will be closed February 22nd - March 1st for Winter Recess.  School will resume on March 2nd.

A Message from the ACT 46 Committee

School Unification will provide some savings through streamlining. One major example would be in business operations. Currently, the FCSU business office must create five separate and duplicate budgets, have five separate audits and provide regular financial reports to five separate school boards. That takes an enormous amount of staff time. In a merged district, it would be reduced to one budget, one audit and reports to just one board.
There are many other opportunities such as shared administrative staff, shared janitorial and food service staff, and joint bids for services such as lawn mowing. The list of opportunities is long, and would be scrutinized by the new unified board. If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to