Chicken Patty Sandwich w/Lettuce & Tomato
Garden Pasta Salad
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup
After School Activities for Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Open Doors:
3:30-5:00 3/4 Tae Kwon Do
Paws-itive Pies for PBIS! School Wide Coin Challenge ends today!
Wednesday, February 10th through the 17th.
The top two grades (one grade from K-4 and one grade 5-8) that have the most amount of money raised will get the chance to put a pie in their teachers’ or staff members that works with in the grade face during our spirit assembly on Friday the 19th. Teachers and students will be drawn that day. All the money raised will go towards PBIS t-shirts for every kid and staff!
K-8 Grade School Wide Talent Show will be Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 6:30-8:00 PM
SATEC’s K-8 Spirit Week: Monday, February 15th-19th
When I Grow Up Wednesday: Dress to impress to show others what you want to be when you grow up!
Theme Day Thursday:
Each learning community or grade will decide on a theme to represent that day.
Class Color Friday
8th, 4th, and Kindergarten wear green
7th and 3rd grade wear yellow
6th and 2nd wear red
5th and 1st wear blue