Cheesy Breadsticks w/Marinara Sauce
Gingered Cabbage Salad
Homemade Tomato Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
A Message from the ACT 46 Committee
The FCSU Act 46 Study Committee believes a single, Unified Union district, is the preferred option. Therefore, all three districts, Fairfield, St. Albans City and St. Albans Town are considered "necessary" for the formation of a new district.
If all three districts vote "yes," then a single Unified Union district is formed covering all three communities. Taxpayers in all three communities will receive the tax incentives.
If any one town votes "no", then no change to governance would occur and Franklin Central Supervisory Union would continue with its four current member school districts (St. Albans City, St. Albans Town, Fairfield, and BFA Union #48). No tax incentives would be available. If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to
After School Activities for Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Open Doors
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal.
This will be the last week of Open Doors for this session excluding Tae Kwon Do (make up class 2/17)
Open Doors Spring Session Brochures will be distributed to classrooms this Friday.
Spring Session will begin on Monday, March 14th.
1-4 YO-YO Mentoring program
5-8 Homework Lab
3-4 Cooking with Mrs. King
3-4 Tae Kwon Do
5/6 2INSPIRE Dance
3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys Green
5:00-6:30 8 Girls
Paws-itive Pies for PBIS! School Wide Coin Challenge starts today!
Each Grade will have the opportunity to bring in silver coins starting Wednesday, February 10th through the 17th.
The top two grades (one grade from K-4 and one grade 5-8) that have the most amount of money raised will get the chance to put a pie in their teachers’ or staff members that works with in the grade face during our spirit assembly on Friday the 19th. Teachers and students will be drawn that day. All the money raised will go towards PBIS t-shirts for every kid and staff!