Thursday, November 16, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

Whole Grain Breakfast Honey Bun or
Bagel with Cream Cheese

Thanksgiving Feast
Oven Roasted Turkey
Chef’s Mashed Potato w/Gravy
Steamed Peas
Chilled Cranberry
Dinner Roll
Holiday Dessert
Fresh Fruit

Good luck to the SATEC 5th and 6th grade Spelling Team members Rachel Ledoux, Wyatt Root, Anthony Matas, Maura Thompson, Gabi Desrosiers, and Penelope Noza who will be competing in the State Spelling Competition on Saturday, November 18th at 10:00am at Northfield Jr. Sr. High School is Northfield, Vermont.  Many thanks to Mr. Murphy for serving as their coach this fall.

Operation Happiness ~ Is a program of the United Way of Northwest, VT.  It provides a basket of food and toys for the children in the family (16 and under) for nearly 1000 families in need in Franklin and Grand Isle Counties.    Registration for St. Albans residents are 8:30 am-1:30 pm starting November 13 - November 17 and November 20 & 21 - call 393-4443.
Specific dates and pickup locations will be announced during registration.  

​Reminder: No School November 22nd-November 24th for Thanksgiving Break

SATEC families are invited to our Thanksgiving Feast on Friday November 17th lunch times are the following:
Kindergarten: 12:30-1:00
1st Grade: 10:45-11:15
2nd Grade: 12:45-1:15
3rd Grade: 11:30-12:00
4th Grade: 11:15-11:45
5th Grade: 11:00-11:30
6th Grade: 12:15-12:45
7th Grade:  12:00-12:30
8th Grade:  11:45-12:15
Cost is $3.75 for an adult and $2.15 for students.

There are no after school activities scheduled for today.

5-8 Girls and Boys Basketball Schedule for November will be handed out this Friday.
Here is a sneak peak for the Monday and Tuesday before break.
Cheerleading will start the week of November 27th.

Mon, Nov 20th
4:45-6:00   5/6 Boys
6:00-7:30   7 Boys (Hallway Side)     7/8 Girls (Stage Side)

Tue, Nov 21st
3:45-5:00  5/6 Girls (Hallway Side)
5:00-6:30  8 Boys
6:30-7:45  5/6 Boys (Teams will be determined and announced)

Open Doors after school program’s fall session has finished.
The following make up or previous scheduled classes will be held on Monday, November 20th.

Recycled Art
Magic the Gathering
Yo- Yo Mentoring
Knitting for Neighbors
5-8 Intramural Sports
3/4 2INSPIRE Dance
(5-8 2INSPIRE dance will join 3/4 for this Monday only.) There will be no classes held on Tuesday, November 21st.