Cheesy Ravioli Bake
Garlic Breadstick
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Picture Retakes will be on Thursday, November 16th.
SATEC Staff supervised walking school bus starting locations 2017-2018:
We will be walking Wednesday, November 15th.
Barlow Street School- Departs at 8:00AM
J & L Service Center- Departs at 8:00AM (Cricket, Route 5)
Intersection of Parsons and Orchard Street - Departs at 7:50 AM
Intersection of Thorpe Ave. Ext. and Sunset Terrace - Departs at 7:50 AM(Sonia, Route 2)
End of Meadowbrook/Potters Ave- Departs at 8:05AM
Operation Happiness ~ Is a program of the United Way of Northwest, VT. It provides a basket of food and toys for the children in the family (16 and under) for nearly 1000 families in need in Franklin and Grand Isle Counties. Registration for St. Albans residents are 8:30 am-1:30 pm starting November 13 - November 17 and November 20 & 21 - call 393-4443.
Specific dates and pickup locations will be announced during registration.
SATEC families are invited to our Thanksgiving Feast on Friday November 17th lunch times are the following:
Kindergarten: 12:30-1:00
1st Grade: 10:45-11:15
2nd Grade: 12:45-1:15
3rd Grade: 11:30-12:00
4th Grade: 11:15-11:45
5th Grade: 11:00-11:30
6th Grade: 12:15-12:45
7th Grade: 12:00-12:30
8th Grade: 11:45-12:15
Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 15th. Cost is $3.75 for an adult and $2.15 for students.
After School today
1/2 Nature’s Art
3/4 Boys Basketball Clinic
Participants will meet Mr. Konrad in the locker room hallway at dismissal
3/4 Intramural Sports
5-8 Cooking with Mrs.King
This is the last week of Open Doors’ Fall Session
7th and 8th grade Boys Open Gym
Any 7th and 8th grade Boys who signed up for basketball are welcome.
Students must go home and return back to school, unless they are previously enrolled in an after school program.