Whole Grain Pancakes or
Bagel with Cream Cheese
Birthday Celebration
Fish Sticks w/ Tartar Sauce
French Fries
Dinner Roll
Reminder: No School November 22nd-November 24th for Thanksgiving Break
Operation Happiness ~ Is a program of the United Way of Northwest, VT. It provides a basket of food and toys for the children in the family (16 and under) for nearly 1000 families in need in Franklin and Grand Isle Counties. Registration for St. Albans residents are 8:30 am-1:30 pm November 20 & 21 - call 393-4443.Specific dates and pickup locations will be announced during registration.
SATEC will have boxes in the front and back lobbies from November 27, 2017 - December 11, 2017 to collect canned goods to help fill Operation Happiness baskets.
The Health Office is running low on small sized pants/shorts. Donations would be greatly appreciated.
After School Activities
3/4 Boys Basketball Clinic
Please meet Mr. Konrad in the locker room hallway
3:45-5:00 5/6 Girls (Hallway Side)
5:00-6:30 8 Boys
6:30-7:45 5/6 Boys (Teams will be determined and announced)
Congratulations to our 5/6 Spelling team for being a regional finalist at the VPA Spelling Bee Championship this past weekend in Northfield.
SATEC’s Got Talent!
SATEC school wide talent show for grades kindergarten thru eighth
We will be hosting our annual talent show on Thursday, December 14th at 6:30 p.m.
If you have a talent that you would like to share with us please pick up a form in the front or back lobbies. Fill out the form and hand back into Mrs. Rose in the back lobby.
Audition will be held after school on Monday, December 4th.
If you have any additional questions or concerns please contact Ms. Rose.